Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lightfooted Launches

Lightfooted is blazing along now that my boot camps are 13 days away from starting. I just picked up my brochures on Friday and will be hitting the streets this to hand them out. I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out (see above.)

Website update: It's finished!

Thank you to the many few who let me know the Sign-up for my Newsletter wasn't working, and that the site had a few spelling errors. My web designer, Nicholas (check out his other work here) spent his holiday weekend finishing it all up and I won't lie... it looks fantastic (in all internet browsers!)

I also sent out my Press Release to various individuals, local newspapers and magazines.

Things are falling into place now. Still so much to do, but it's all manageable now. Yip, yip!


At 1:55 p.m., May 22, 2008, Blogger kent said...

Congrats, Jodie. Such exciting news!

Good luck with your first boot camp.

At 9:26 a.m., May 28, 2008, Blogger A. Macdonald said...

Congratulations Jodie! I'm really happy to hear that your business is working out well. =)


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