Sunday, February 25, 2007

Thunking aloud

Q: Ironically, studies have shown that criticism has often the exact opposite effect than entended. I'm someone who is very self-critical, and yet often find myself repeating same mistakes again and again. What can I do?

A: The best environment for success is one where we allow ourselves to relax, to let go of what we assume others expect of us and just accept ourselves as we are - at this very moment.

True acceptance comes from the acknowledgement that we have created each and every situation in our lives. We all have arrived at the exact spot we are standing because of the culminated effect of every single one of our past actions. And our actions are a direct result of our beliefs and expectations about ourselves and our opinions of how we must behave.

But here's the secret: our beliefs are simply thoughts and a thought - any thought, can be changed right this very minute. We choose our thoughts, be it that we're fantastic or that we're failures. And we have the ability to change that thought right now!

Then, when we acknowledge that we can change our thoughts about ourselves, then we find that we don't need to hold onto our old mistake patterns or react harshly to others' criticism. For they are simply criticising us because of their own fear of rejection (the opposite of acceptance.)

So what does this acceptance look like?

These statements are acceptance. Repeat them until they come automatically and you belive them whole-heartedly.

  1. My thoughts are who I am. It's not I think, therefore I am, it is I am who I think I am.
  2. My actions are the product of my beliefs. Every thought I have is creating my future.
  3. I believe I am perfect just the way I am. I am at peace and harmony with the world.
  4. I am responsible for where I am. There is no one to blame and I am the one who can change any situation.
  5. I let go of all resentment and forgive every one in my life who I have been angry at.
Wee - that was fun! Hope you enjoyed the ride and thanks for reading!

(For more of this great stuff, you can check out Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life")


At 8:02 p.m., February 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I wish you had been born when I was younger....and had advised me when I was in my formative years....

Love, Mom

At 4:27 p.m., February 28, 2007, Blogger Lightfooted said...

Ha ha! My grandmother just sent me an email in response to this post, saying "Sounds as if you're bored."


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