Saturday, January 27, 2007


January 27th, 20073:24pm
  • Thought: "Dang it - there doesn't seem to be an easy way to get my bike to Toronto. Why could that be? Perhaps there's another alternative...perhaps...I could sell it and get myself a sweeet touring bike later... a bike Friday perhaps...ooooOOOOOoooh."

January 27th, 2007 3:25pm

  • Action: "Hello, Richard? It's Jodie L- here, I bought a Guru from you in 2005 and I'm back in town again and I was wondering if..."

  • Action: "Nan? Could it be possible for you to drive me over to Cycle Logic sometime today?"

January 27th, 2007 4:32pm

  • Consequence: Guru'classic 2003 is left at Cycle Logic to be commissioned off for just $200 less then purchased price.

  • Emotive Reaction: "Oh, it's really gone. Oh. Oh.... I'm going to miss that ol' gal. Oh. I hope I did the right thing! I pray for someone to come along and love it and use it as much as I did. We sure had some fun times together.

  • Defensive Reaction: I couldn't attach panniers to my Guru so it was strictly for racing through town. I find I carry waaay too much stuff on my back and it isn't practical. Besides, the Guru isn't exactly what I need for what I love doing: cycle touring.

  • Rational Reaction: It'll all work out okay in the end.

Thank you, Guru, for two seasons of surpurb cycling.


At 5:20 p.m., January 29, 2007, Blogger nicholas said...

Goodbye Guru.

At 5:44 a.m., February 13, 2007, Blogger Loren said...

And good luck with the new bike!

Though cycling in winter's a little less than inspiring. Here the weather's fine, it's just the drivers that are a little nuts.


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