Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hunting and Gathering

Right. So it's time for this chickie to grab her bow and arrows- er - I mean, her resume, and go a-job hunting. I know a few of you who are in the same boat at this time and I found this little exercise from the Gov. of Alberta (who knew!) really helpful for me to focus on a vision. Rather than just searching for something that might work just for now, envision where you'd like to see yourself in 10 years time. Try it out.... and use the pauses to think about your responses.

It's quite some time from now, maybe 10 years, maybe 20 and you're just waking up from a good sleep. You wake with the realisation that your life has gone almost exactly the way you've wanted it to... you get out of bed and begin noticing what's around you. You take notice of where you're living and what your home is like... you look outside and notice where you're living...– which town or city, which province or state, which country...you pay attention to your immediate surroundings as you get ready for the day, taking special notice of who you're living with...a spouse, partner, children?... You also attend to your lifestyle -– your accommodations, furniture and hobby equipment– - as you walk around your place getting ready for the day...Now, you take a moment to think about the upcoming day, examining what you will be doing, who you will be with, and what you will enjoy most that day...Then, as you go outside for the first time, you come across a friend you haven't seen in a long time, and the friend asks about what you've been doing. You answer, describing your life and the things you'’ve been doing since the last time you saw this friend...and you describe two or three things that you have done since you last met that you especially proud of...

  • I look around my home and see ____________________
  • I'm living in ____________________
  • I will likely spend today with ____________________
  • Today I look forward to doing ____________________
  • Since I last saw my friend 10 or 20 years ago, I have been ____________________
  • My hobbies include ____________________

  • My work is ____________________

  • I am living a lifestyle that could be described as ____________________

  • The things that are really important to me are ____________________

  • The things that I am most proud of are ____________________


At 6:37 a.m., January 17, 2007, Blogger Loren said...

That's the spirit!

hmm. I look around my home and see photos of our kiddiliwinks all over the place. (Our kiddiliwink is not currently looking all that hot having just received her four baby shots...)

I'm living in the Okanagan, in Argentina, in Montreal, in...

I will likely spend today with family and friends.

Today I look forward to heading into my studio for some mixed media something - sculpture, painting, installation... who knows?

... got to sleep - I'll finish this later with you over the phone from Durban :-)

At 2:32 p.m., January 17, 2007, Blogger Lightfooted said...

I'm pleased you took the time to think about this exercise... kinda fun, eh?


P.S. I'd better not be the friend you haven't seen in 10 years!!

At 2:03 a.m., January 19, 2007, Blogger Loren said...

Not to worry Jodes!

Looking forward to seeing you plenty :-)

At 11:23 a.m., January 19, 2007, Blogger nicholas said...

I love the anime pic you choose to represent job hunting. So are going to show up in Toronto with boots like those for the hunt??

This is a good exercise though I'd never admit it to my mother the career counselor... I'll show you mine if you show me yours :-)

At 12:59 p.m., January 19, 2007, Blogger Lightfooted said...

Tee hee hee - I'm glad you like the pic! I wasn't sure as it definitely not my style and no, I don't have thigh-high hunting boots. Pity though.

I'd love to play show and tell with you darlin'. Or maybe it'll be more like show and share...

At 12:31 p.m., January 20, 2007, Blogger nicholas said...

can't wait


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