Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow storms, old friends and escapism

Where did the CN tower go?

It's a veritable snow globe out there and here I am, toasty warm with a cuppa mint tea, good tunes and an old friend on msn. It's 5am her time but she hasn't headed to bed yet and the topic of our discussion for the past half an hour has been generally around what we're reading these days.

P: At present I have an unfinished Beagle, Scalzi, and Eschbach at my right. Of course, I have a finished Isobelle Carmody in the pile as well. To my left is the ill fated Bernard Cornwell. And behind me is the as yet to be started Elizabeth Haydon book which I don't want to read because Ashe is still alive at the end and that irritates me.

J: I'm slogging my way through Thomas Friedman's The Lexus and the Olive Tree.

P: Good grief! Why on earth would you read someone that forces you face reality?

(P prefers her reality heavily coated in science fiction.)


What are you reading right now?


At 11:33 a.m., February 15, 2007, Blogger Loren said...

Well, it seems your site didn't like my prior comment. Unfortunately, I'm not equipped to match my early-morning brilliance, so you'll just have to settle for a ramble.
Working on The Growth of the Mind by a nifty doc whose name eludes me
But it must be said that I read three sci-fi novels prior to getting into something heavy (but interesting!)
Happy reading!

At 8:53 a.m., February 16, 2007, Blogger tiaraletourneau said...

And who wouldn't want their reality with a heavy dose of fiction? Although personally I prefer the epic fantasy type stuff - wouldn't that make the world more interesting, instead of job hunting and doing masters we could be learning spells and riding dragons! By the way, to temper what you're reading by Friedman, do take a look at Greg Palast's article "French Fried Friedman". But be warned that Palast (the reporter that cracked the Florida vote scandal) has a history with Friedman, and it's none too pleasant.

At 5:36 a.m., February 20, 2007, Blogger kent said...

Looks like a smoggy day in Cairp.

At 5:36 a.m., February 20, 2007, Blogger kent said...


At 1:06 a.m., February 21, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes! Stay warm out there.


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