Friday, October 06, 2006

Revisions and Editions

According to Nicholas, my blog was beginning to resemble a crazy cat lady's so I've decided to delete a few posts and try to refocus. Perhaps my random and odd blogging is best diagnosed as extreme cabin fever (whooping cough rattling my brain) but I'll give myself two more days to indulge, and them Monday, it's back to work (and good heath) for me.

(On a completely different note: if you read something here that doesn't flow, chances are I don't like how it slogs along either. I actually treat this blog as a bit of an on-going essay of myself and give it frequent revisions - botox injection, lunch-hour nip/tuck specials, the likes... If the format, the punctuation or grammar is not quite right, I go back and fix it. I'm a bit fussy that way, but it's something I actually enjoy. Funnily enough, all my former (and current) partners - excluding one - are notoriously terrible at grammar & spelling. A yin/yang thing?

Dance for me Bananas!So, if you're also a keen grammerists, and you'd admit (under pressure, of course) that you actually enjoyed reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves (the link is to a game based on the book - yehaw!) , feel free to check back on some old posts, to put your niggling unease to rest - to breath a sign of relief, akin to one breathed at the sight of a closing bracket on the end of a long, and perhaps completely random and pointless aside.)

Oh no! I did it again! Random, completely random... what is wrong with me?!

P.S. People in bananas are funny.


At 3:26 p.m., October 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gash they are . . .I thought it was some form of male burka at first . . .

At 8:17 a.m., October 10, 2006, Blogger Loren said...

gotta love people in banana suits :-)

Neatly noted.


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