Monday, January 14, 2008

When the situation calls for...

I ran to work this morning through a slight drizzle, chased on by the Killers blasting out my headphones. It wasn't until showered and settled in at my desk that I realised I forgot my wallet. No chocolate milk recovery drink and no lunch equals no fun at all.

It was only 10:20am and my stomach was knotting and gurgling. Although I had two runner's pancakes just an hour and a half ago, they were long gone after my 250 caloric burn of a run.

Beg? Borrow? Stea- er, ...Find? I contemplated my options while I filled up my 2 L Nalgene water bottle from MEC, and gulped it down; resentful that the little bit of estrogen I was consuming with my water wouldn't go far towards satisfy my hunger. Indra, the most mothering around our office, stopped by a few minutes into my water binge, offering homemade cookies and I took two, thanking her gratefully. They were the size of toonies but bought me an hour.

I was imaging that I would have to scavenge through the staff kitchen, experimenting with condiments and expired food, when the idea came to me: I grabbed my change purse, which ironically held just six TTC (Toronto Transit) tokens and asked if anyone wanted to buy two tokens for $5. They would get a 50 cent discount, and I would get my lunch.

And boy - did that grilled tuna wrap with a side of homemade barley soup hit the spot!


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