Sunday, November 12, 2006


I've developed a slight fascination with doors and doorways since I started travelling. Wonder what that might represent? Hmm....

Here are a few of my favourite photos...

Surprisingly, my ten favourite photos come from just three countries. Guess which ones... (10 pts rewarded to the person to guess my all-time favourite door.)


At 8:43 a.m., November 13, 2006, Blogger Loren said...

looks to me like France, Tunisia, and Italy... as for which door's your favourite, well ain't that the question. Could go all sappy on you and say the door to your heart. Could go more straightforward and say the door to your home - wherever that happy place happens to be. Could have it be any one of the phenomenal doors you've photographed - present day, historical, lush...

Do you have to pick just one?

At 6:46 a.m., December 01, 2006, Blogger Lightfooted said...

Heh, you're a good one to pose this question to Mr. Loren. I was going to say the little red one fourth from the top, but yeah, um, your answer is much more inspiring.

Thanks lovely!


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