Monday, September 04, 2006

Garage Sales and Parties

This year, I'm packing up my room in Edmonton with one thought in my fore mind: "Could I take this item with me if I moved away for good to somewhere like Toronto?" If the answer is no, I put it in a box to be given away. Last week, I realised I was packing very slowly; really procrastinating at the task, and so was greatly relieved to have another week to think through my packing conundrum. [Well... two days now.]

When my grandmother found out that I was sticking around Edmonton for another week, she decided to throw an impromptu joint good-bye & birthday party for myself and my eldest aunt. It's inspirational that my grandparents can host a party for twenty people with just three day's notice. It was a fantastic treat to see everyone for the last time - thanks Nan!

Well, I took the opportunity to lure my family down to the basement with the thrill of a free garage sale. It was great fun to see my old belongings bring new joy to my young cousins. Here, Elise, who is five years old, decided to put my paper reinforcers to good use.

It's great to be reminded that giving is as satisfying as receiving.


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